Monday, 17 May 2010

Bodybuilding Basics

Bodybuilding is actually a discipline in which the individual must follow a certain diet and a specific bodybuilding program. Bodybuilding basics might also include supplements that the individual might like to take in coordination with the diet and weightlifting program that goes with his body type. There are many different opinions from experts in bodybuilding but the basic concept when starting bodybuilding starts with these three.

Bodybuilding Diet

Taking bodybuilding supplements is not enough to build muscles. You must also go on a strict diet which usually has more protein and carbohydrates. A bodybuilding diet usually focuses on building muscle mass fast and eliminates excess fats. The term diet does not mean eating less food than normal; instead this means carefully selecting the right food for your goal and eating this in right amounts.

Smaller yet frequent meals should be the aim of most bodybuilders instead of larger meals taken two or three times a day. Experts recommend eating the right meals at a daily interval of no less than 2 ½ hours each meal. In spite of eating lesser fatty foods, there is also a need to eat foods with fats so this should not be eliminated entirely from your bodybuilding diet. The ration of each meal should be close to 40 % carbohydrates, 40 % protein and 20 % fats. This diet will change a few weeks after into a more complex one and one that is attuned to the body type that you have and the goal you wish to achieve.

Bodybuilding Exercises

There are numerous bodybuilding programs to choose from. Most of these bodybuilding programs are designed for particular body types, gender, age, training level and other criteria. Things in common for most bodybuilding programs are the use of weights and resistance to build the muscles that the individual is aiming for. The use of weights and resistance is continually changed or increased to build the muscles. The concept behind this change is that the muscles get used to the weight and resistance and therefore, an increase is necessary to get the muscles to strive for more.

The concept behind these exercises is to induce the tearing of your muscles in order for them to grow back on those tears. These growth are what becomes the developed muscles.

Bodybuilding Supplements

Supplements usually used for bodybuilding may or may not contain synthetic substances that contribute to the overall development of body mass and the decrease of fat. Bodybuilding supplements may also aid in joint health, bone health and address other deficiencies that may arise with a bodybuilding diet. Supplements are necessary when your intention is to build your muscle mass in a short time.

Steroids and synthetic bodybuilding supplements are also available. These may have some undesirable aide effects which may manifest some time after you have taken them. The possibility of muscle hypertrophy is increased when taking anabolic steroids and other synthetic protein substances. One must be careful in using bodybuilding supplements due to the dangers that these may bring to the body. Natural supplements mean that you increase the intake of protein rich foods and foods abundant with carbohydrates.

These bodybuilding basics are what usually comprise most common bodybuilding programs. There may be some slight differences especially when there is a difference in age and gender as well as the intended goal.

Check out for more bodybuilding information.

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